Episode 22 — Uncovering Your Next Best Self — With Guest Donna Lee Humble

When was the last time you focused on taking care of you?

Joined by Donna Lee Humble, a certified holistic wellness coach specializing in bioenergetic testing and emotional release, Danielle Howard discusses how women can uncover their best self using Donna’s three Rs from her Higher Self-Care Series.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of rebalancing and how it affects all areas of our lives
  • Real life examples of women’s transformations after moving through the three Rs
  • How often you should rebalance, reframe, and release emotions
  • What to do when you feel overwhelmed with emotion
  • How Donna’s three Rs also apply to our financial lives
  • And more!

Join Danielle and Donna now to learn how to use rebalance, reframe, and release emotions for a better you!

Resources: | | Danielle’s 8 Week E-Course | Donna Lee Humble’s Website | Emotional Release Guide


Episode 21 — Cultivating Mindful Intimacy — With Guest Jeff Cole

Are you ready to get intimate?

Today, Danielle Howard joins forces with Jeff Cole, a board certified coach with a master’s degree in contemplative counseling psychology, to explore how mindfulness can bring greater emotional and financial intimacy to your relationships.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How everyone’s unique stories affect their relationships
  • Jeff’s five elements of a healthy relationship
  • How recognizing and sharing your personal history can foster emotional safety and trust
  • How mindfulness and intention impact your financial relationships
  • And more!

Join Danielle and Jeff now to learn how to introduce mindfulness and intention to your relationships for greater intimacy.

Resources: | | Danielle’s 8 Week E-Course | Financial Fingerprints to Footprints Workshop | Aspen Relationship Institute |



Episode 20 — Opening Up the Communication Floodgates

Do you want to talk to your spouse about getting ready for your fall season, but you’re not sure where to begin?

Today, Danielle Howard will help you open the communication floodgates by exploring how to have thoughtful, meaningful, and intentional dialogues with your spouse about what to expect in retirement.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • About the four areas of your financial life to reassess as you go into your fall season
  • How our life experience can influence our mindsets surrounding retirement
  • How to open up to your spouse about retirement and create a fall season based on shared values
  • About the ways that financial planners like Danielle can help guide the communication process
  • And more!

Join Danielle now to learn how open communication can ease your transition into your next season of life!

Resources: | | Danielle’s 8 Week E-Course



Episode 19 – Clearing Out Your Clutter—with Guest, Evan Michael Zislis

It’s time to get rid of the clutter that’s weighing you down, both in your everyday life and financial life.

Today, Danielle Howard is joined by special guest, Evan Michael Zislis, a professional organizer and author of the Amazon bestseller ClutterFree Revolution: Simplify Your Stuff, Organize Your Life & Save the World. Together, they explore how Evan helps people simplify their lives so they can focus on what matters most: who you love, what you do, and how and why you live.

Here’s what you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • How getting organized can help you embrace life’s ever-present transitions
  • Evan’s three-step process for getting organized
  • How stuff and mental clutter can hold you back in retirement
  • How Evan helps clients connect the dots between the social and environmental impact of stuff
  • How Evan’s principles can be applied to your financial life
  • Why our stuff is often attached to our identities and emotions
  • And more!

Tune in now to join Danielle and Evan for a meaningful conversation about how clutter impacts all areas of our lives—and how to start clearing it out!

Resources: | | Danielle’s 8 Week E-Course | ClutterFree Revolution | ClutterFree Revolution: Simplify Your Stuff, Organize Your Life & Save the World



Episode 18- Financial Affirmations Part 4 – Spending Money within Safe Boundaries and with Joyful Intention

Do you set safe boundaries for spending money? Are you making purchases that feed your soul or stoke your ego?

Danielle Howard is here to explain why these questions matter. In the final part of her mini-series, Danielle explains why setting spending boundaries and making purchases with joyful intention go hand in hand.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why we need to ask ourselves the question: just because we can, should we?
  • How purchasing personalities shape spending patterns
  • Why safe boundaries are really about your attitude and mindset
  • The difference between a soul need and an ego desire
  • The importance of spending in line with your values
  • And more!

Join Danielle now to learn how you can spend your money within safe boundaries and with joyful intention!

Resources:  Download Danielle’s Monetary Manifesto | Danielle’s 8 Week E-Course

Financial Affirmations Part 1 | Financial Affirmations Part 2 | Financial Affirmations Part 3 | | 970-927-3909


Episode 17 – Financial Affirmations Part 3 – Growing, Protecting, and Nurturing your Financial Life with Diligence, Wisdom, and Care

People often believe that positive affirmations are like magic — just say them enough and it will happen. However, it’s not that easy.

In part three of her financial affirmations mini-series, Danielle Howard explores the building blocks of financial affirmations. She uncovers how you use affirmations to grow, protect, and nurture your financial life in your fall season.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Tools to help you create and keep a positive vision of what’s ahead of you — and how Danielle uses them in her own life
  • Why growing financially in your fall season isn’t all about getting bigger and better things
  • How to deal with spending constraints when protecting and nurturing your finances in retirement
  • The importance of “walking the walk” when it comes to your financial affirmations and when to lean on professionals for extra support
  • And more!

Join Danielle now for another insightful episode about financial affirmations!

Resources: Download Danielle’s Monetary Manifesto | Danielle’s 8 Week E-Course | Financial Affirmations Part 1 | Financial Affirmations Part 2
| | | 970-927-3909




Episode 16- Financial Affirmations Part 2 – Sharing Financial Resources with Moxie and Momentum

The mindset many people have around giving can sometimes diminish the significance of generosity. Oftentimes, we give without having a sense of why we do it or why we share our resources with certain organizations.

Today, Danielle Howard is here to help you shift your thoughts around giving, allowing you to truly experience the joy of sharing with others.

In part 2 of Danielle’s four-part financial affirmations mini-series, you’ll learn:

  • What it means to share your resources with moxie
  • Why making sharing a priority can bring more happiness to your life
  • The importance of starting conversations around the ways we share our financial resources
  • The tools you can use to share your resources according to your financial goals
  • The role taxes play when you make charitable donations
  • And more!

Tune in now to join Danielle in creating new conversations around generosity and the mindset of abundance!

Resources: Download Danielle’s Monetary Manifesto | Danielle’s 8 Week E-Course | Bolder Giving | Generous Giving | Women Doing Well | |



Episode 15- Financial Affirmations Part 1 – Bringing Money into your Life with Integrity, Dignity, and Grace

Danielle Howard is determined to change the way people see retirement. Our media and financial services industry have led us down a path where our mindset around retirement often creates feelings of guilt and shame. Now, Danielle’s working to change those negative money mindsets through financial affirmations!

In this first part of Danielle’s Financial Affirmations mini-series, Danielle explores how you can bring money into your life with integrity, dignity, competency, grace and joy. Danielle discusses:

  • What positive affirmations are
  • Why the way you bring money into your life can impact your success
  • How to remove the negativity around your retirement
  • How to start redefining yourself in your Fall season
  • How Danielle has applied positive affirmations in her own journey
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn how to turn up the volume of your positive affirmations, so you can reach a more fulfilled retirement!

Resources: Download Danielle’s Monetary Manifesto | Danielle’s 8 Week E-Course | |


Episode 14- Spreading SDT in Your Golden Years

Our culture, media, and financial industry are constantly telling us what our retirement season should look like. You may even feel ashamed or resentful if your retirement lifestyle seems like a far cry from their idealistic messages.

That’s where Self Determination Theory (SDT) comes in. In this episode, Danielle Howard explains how retirees can use SDT to find meaning in their fall season, rather than becoming entangled in the fear of missing out. Danielle discusses:

  • What SDT is and three innate psychological needs it encompasses
  • Why having SDT and an abundance mindset go hand in hand
  • The characteristics of SDT and how to implement it in your life
  • How SDT can help you feel in charge of your financial outcomes
  • And more!

Join Danielle now and learn how you can cultivate a meaningful retirement season with SDT!

Resources: |


Episode 13 –  When Financial Goals Aren’t Enough

Financial advisors typically focus on helping clients set goals. It’s easy to see why — it’s fun for clients to check off their accomplished goals, and it’s rewarding for advisors to help clients reach their milestones.

However, Danielle Howard believes that goal setting isn’t enough.

In this episode, Danielle explains why dealing with life transitions is where the true financial life planning happens. She discusses:

  • Why advisors do their clients a disservice by only focusing on the fun aspects of life
  • How planning for transitions differs from goal setting
  • Life transitions people might not consider when envisioning their retirement
  • Which character assets bolster people the most during times of change

Join Danielle now and learn how you can start planning for whatever life throws your way!

Resources: |